new college, what to expect?

salam..heheh menulis lg. ari nie ari ke 2 sy di do i describe about the building, lesson and friends? hmm partly juz nice..truth to be told is the building is only one for faculty of optometry and faculty of biotechnology in sri damansara.can u imagine? well, im still trying to adapt with the new environment but of cos it is not really hard as adapting to new places( i mean new country if i go to uk like my friends hahah) emm, there are only 5 of us in the class (sikit gile kn?) mule2 mse nk daftar kt sini xconfident jek sbb sikit org-my mum thought dat the few ppl due to low quality of the graduate but after we met the dean head, we went to check the class out and FINALLY im here in twintech studying the bachelor of optometry. my mum and i satisfy with the condition of the class-the new equipments are provided for easy learning process- not forget to mention that twintech college has been accredited by the MOC (malaysian optical council).

You Guys!!! must assure that the college esp the private one has been accredited not only by the MQA (malaysian qualification agency) but also the MOC for optometry course. otherwise u'll be not able to practice ur skill legally after u graduate.

ehemm ape lg nk citer ek? for dis 1st sem in my 1st yr..there r 5 subjects dat have to be taken which are physics for health professionals,chemistry for health professional,life science for optometry,quantitative method for optometry(it's juz math) and human anatomy. to my surprise,(*_*) those early topics juz resemble the topics dat i've learned in my foundation at msu. at sudden, i feel regret dat i've sold the books i used for my foundation (>.<)

hahah nak promote nie..later during our final sem in our 4th year,students are required to undergo 4 months clinical posting at Sankara Nethralaya Eye Hospital in Chennai India. the best eye hospital in india and asia if im not mistaken. check it out!

so now, i determine and resolute to do my best and work the hardest to be awarded with the Bachelor of Optometry (Hons)!!! jyeah! hwaiting ! heheh d(>w<)b

insyaAllah ade rzki nk buat master kt uk ke hohoho LOL
p/s: im not kidding


  1. FIRAHH! haha akhirnya firah b'blogging. yeah i believe dat one day u'll get where u want. :) go firah!

  2. hahah tnx!!! btw, nie spe ek? xleh view profile pn


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