hahah too many girls out there r scared to cockroach rite? r u 1 of the? am i 1 of them? if u ask me i'll nvr admit but the truth is dis is what would i do when i see cockroach...
1. first of all, scream!!!

2. then, i might think of running :$

3. next, i would find any object that i can climb on to avoid dis small creature from climbing on me including the chair, table, bed ..

dis is muh fav
dis one i nvr try,if i did i think my mom would knock my head *O*
1. first of all, scream!!!

2. then, i might think of running :$

3. next, i would find any object that i can climb on to avoid dis small creature from climbing on me including the chair, table, bed ..

dis one i nvr try,if i did i think my mom would knock my head *O*

however, recently...i try to b brave to kill dis inhumane small creature u know and dis is how it turns out..
last night while i was brushing my teeth in the bathroom, i heard my 2 little sis shouting for LIPAS!!!
and i was so scared as i left the bathroom's door opened since its lamp got prob and not been replaced yet...then, i heard dat the cockroach is approaching the bathroom and as expected it entered the bathroom OH NO!
and again, i got no weapon to fight wit dis insect and i know there's no use to spray the water towards it so dis is what i did
yes, i was climbing on the toilet but not exactly like dis boy did. i was climbing a little lower than him and not forget to mention, i was holding my toothbrush ..
AL-FATIHAH to dis cockroach

at last, i was able to continue brushing my teeth at peace hee there's no way for me to express my sincere gratitude to RIDSECT and also aliyah!
last night while i was brushing my teeth in the bathroom, i heard my 2 little sis shouting for LIPAS!!!
and i was so scared as i left the bathroom's door opened since its lamp got prob and not been replaced yet...then, i heard dat the cockroach is approaching the bathroom and as expected it entered the bathroom OH NO!
and again, i got no weapon to fight wit dis insect and i know there's no use to spray the water towards it so dis is what i did

and i was shouting help!!! kill dat cockroach! ARGHH! at the same time, i asked both my sis to shut up as they were also screaming LOL and then, here aliyah(1 of my sis who was also screaming) comes..the heroine for dat night. bring along with her dis ridsect sprayer and sprayed dat inhumane small creature! deserve u right cockroach!

at last, i was able to continue brushing my teeth at peace hee there's no way for me to express my sincere gratitude to RIDSECT and also aliyah!
my advice to girls out there who r afraid to cockroach, nvr forget to keep ridsect sprayer near u guys so dat u cn put ur mind at ease whenever u hav to confront wit dis small creature and keep them from haunting us! LOL
p/s: i failed in encouraging myself to kill cockroach~ it was sad cos i only sprayed ridsect to dis cockroach after it's already dead
p/s: i failed in encouraging myself to kill cockroach~ it was sad cos i only sprayed ridsect to dis cockroach after it's already dead
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