salam, hye...ok, i know im a bit lazy to update my blog hahah dis tym i want to introduce to all of u my friends emm more specific they're my classmate here. we're from different race, but we have one goal!

from right: rufaida (she's a nigerian), nadia, kira n me! xD this is the campus for faculty optometry and biotech. well, juz a small one.

hahah the girl who's wearing skirt got the same name like me -Zafirah- in the class ppl call me firah n she's kira! hee~

from left:me,zul,kira,nadia
juz 6 of us? yes there r only 6 of us...hemmm, it's ok! it's better since u can gain all the attention from lecturer like i do hahah also u won't have problem to make presentation in the class, not having problem such as nervous hahah i wish all 6 of us will graduate successfully! guys, let's make our sweet memories together till the next 4 years..insya-Allah.ukhuwah fillah abadan abada :)
from right: rufaida (she's a nigerian), nadia, kira n me! xD this is the campus for faculty optometry and biotech. well, juz a small one.

hahah the girl who's wearing skirt got the same name like me -Zafirah- in the class ppl call me firah n she's kira! hee~

from left:me,zul,kira,nadia
as salam..nak tanya pasal accomodation kt twintech tu mcm mane ye.inshaAllah akan ke sana oktober ni