hye2 heheh surprise wit the title? no worries la cos i juz kill a small centipede hahah (tu pun sambil tjerit2 mcm org kne histeria lol)
so dis is the story, ptg td as i was cleaning the kitchen (dat was so rare) cos my bibik is on leave for a month at sudden i saw a centipede coming out from the trash. i was like screaming like hell hahah padahal kecik je pn x sampai bpe cm pn hahah again but still klu biar dye hidup nnt mmbesar kan. urgh, im having dis scary thought! wut if it bcomes as big as dis?
bahaya kan binatang nie? so, bile lipan nie nak menyorok..i chased it wit knife in my hand. luckily, dis baby centipede was not so fast dat i can cut it into 3 hahah (sambil mjerit2 taw hahah) mati sudah! TIPS: cincang sampai lunyai sbb klu da tputus pun bdn dye still blh idup eeeii

even i was screaming like hell, at least i was brave enough to take the action all by myself rite? hahah
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