Happy Sweet 19

salam, happy birthday to me! hahah owh, yesterday was my birthday xD

nothing much, we just have makan2 the night b4. 5 boxes of pizza! hahah emm no cake :( i want cake! it's ok though.. be thankful firah ok2 ops monolog kejap

OMG im just turning 19, but when 2012 comes ppl will consider me as 20 urgghh no more teens

hahah ok, time to make wish! ....................................................
aminnnn insya-Allah. ape? tnya wish i ke? mne leh gtaw hahah ok3 i nak bf hensem n hot mcm...taylor lautner hahah :P

thank you to all friends for those wishes (even if it's bcos of fb's notification) the foremost is u remember the date and make me feel special on my day. tq again :)

amboi, nie birthday cake ke wedding cake? lol

ok da2 mengarut emmm yesterday my mum brought me,my sisters and my cousin to take a ride on a cruise at putrajaya...emm dis one a small one, not the real big cruise just ala2 cruise. still, it was fun ya know...merasa la jgk klu nak berangan mcm nek cruise yg btol2 2 hahah

nie la cruise yg kmi naik!

dis is how it was inside the cruise

pathway to go the upper deck

on the upper deck....

from left:my mum,aliyah,syirah(both my sis) then husna,syiqin(both my cousins)

my cousins

dis one at the lower deck
a view of putrajaya from PICC

ok, dats all some of the pictures taken yesterday..i wish someday i can take a ride on a real big cruise...mne taw p honeymoon ngn husband ke awww so shweett heheh ok my dear future husband, pls have a lot of money cos i ve a lot of things in my wishlist hahah

emmm, selesai sudah mencoret2 sedikit sebanyak pengalaman smlm. may today, 2mrw, the day after 2mrw n the day after dat n the day after dat n the day after dat Allah always put me in His care n guide me safely. im being grateful to Him for His bless dat i can live until dis moment n i will try my best to be His best servant. may all my dreams come true sooner or later! :) may u too my dear reader

Happy Sweet 19!
